Saturday, August 3, 2013

slow and steady loses the sprint

It has been some time since my last little bit of design for my stuff over at society6. I am constantly thinking about some future designs, either images or strange sayings. 
In my youth, running and jumping meant the world to me. Being fast and being able to jump over things others couldn't became part of my self-identity. I remember being very bothered by the story of The Tortoise and the Hair. That rabbit could have destroyed that turtle if he just would have pushed on....ATTACKED the moment!!! In my book, this was a race! SIMPLE! A chance to show your stuff! Nope, he took it easy and was forever remembered as a slowpoke. I have never ran a sprint or distance race with that mentality. Slow and steady wins the race?!? Slow and Steady gets you crushed!!!! I heard that saying a bunch in my never made sense and it still doesn't. I know what people are getting at when they say it, but, come on!, how about GO HARD till the FINISH LINE!
Anywho, this design had these things in mind as I drew it all out. 

The background is the back of a book on ants from the late sixties. I noticed it while browsing about my wife's art classroom. As soon as I saw it, I knew I'd use it for something.

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